No More Baby Blue!

I finally got started on the guest room! The once baby blue/dark wooden trimmed room is slowly's a good thing :)

Baby blue' picture just doesn't do justice on the color..
A neutral color to match anything...

It looks so much better with glossy white trim!
Now, I have a funny story..I was trying to save some good ole money. (Didn't want to spend $25 on a gallon of paint plus the roller..) so I looked through the colors that we have collected in the basement. The only one I liked the thought of in there was the color from the living room...(and even then I was a little ehh..) but heck it's something I already had AND it gets rid of the baby blue color. Oh wait..this is the funny part. I had 1/2 gallon of paint..I wanted to get the whole room painted. (thank God it's a small room!) I used a big, 4 inch wide paint brush and painted the entire room by hand..hah! I was a sight! Plus,  My hand/wrist was sooo tired after! But I had just enough paint to finish & use for small touch ups where I hadn't gotten it thick enough! Can't believe a half gallon did the job! I did have to spend $12 on more semi-gloss white trim paint takes a few coats after the primer to get them white. But heck $12 compared to $25 for a gallon paint, $5 for a roller & $12 for the trim paint is a good deal. Might not be the exact color I wanted but I have to admit its turning out pretty awesome! Now, I still have some trim painting & door painting to do as you can see in the, my desk needs another coat..oh oops. Did I say that? What desk? Just hold your horses..I''ll be getting to that! haha (nerd alert!) ;)

Guest Bedroom Project: (so far!)

Wall Paint - Free (we used leftover paint from our living room that we had sitting in our basement!)
Trim/Door Paint - $12

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