Wow! Who knew so much time would fly by between posts? So sorry to all my friends!

Honestly, not much has changed around our house. Just been so busy working 6 days a week that there really hasn't been any time to tackle any more house projects. I also bought a new (used) car, so money gets tight when things like that pop up. Which I know you know how that goes ;) I am quite happy with my car though! She doesn't break down on me while I am driving AND the windows roll down & up..which is something I haven't had in years. So very blessed to have a working car! Anyhoo...

I hope that you guys have continued on with some awesome projects around the house and I can't wait to read some of your blogs or hear about these projects! 

I am planning on sharing more things than just house projects with you guys too! So watch out for another little bloggy on a little bit of everything in my life ;) 

<<3 Laura

p.s. I totally have had a Pinterest for a while but never really got on it. But my my..I started getting on it a couple days ago again (because girls at work are now on it) and wow. I'm so addicted. It's love :)
If you want an invite just send me your email and I'll send you an invite! and if you are on it lets Pinterest together! :D

Nothing says fresh, like your own freshly dried herbs!
Use herbs for Tea, Cooking, Baking and soothing scents!

I have two herbs on my back step. Lemon Balm & Mint.

Lemon Balm
I wanted to trim back the herbs (besides the little I step out and pinch off while cooking) and use the herbs. But trimming back a lot would mean I'd be having to cook a feast to use it all. I decided I didn't have that many friends or the urge to cook a huge feast so why not dry them out for future use? Yep. That's what I learned how to do. (& It's so easy!)

First, Pick all the herbs you want to dry out
Sometimes there are some bad leaves in the bunch
Just set all those aside in a pile. We don't want to use bad leaves for tea/cooking
Wash all your herbs.
I used mini clothespins, that I already had, to hang the herbs on a ribbon to dry.
You can also look online at different ways to dry out herbs.
I wanted the most natural, instead of using a dehydrator or oven.
(You lose a lot of the oils in the leaves when using those methods.)
Voila! Let them dry out for a few days. They will feel dried out
and  crunch when they are ready to be put into an airtight container!

After a few days...

Make sure your container to keep your herbs is clean and completely dry.
You can get these small jar's that have a rubber seal
for $1 at a craft store like Joanns. 

Start taking down your herbs and pull off the leaves from the stem.
Place inside your container :)

Lemon Balm Herb
I inherited this little glass serving dish from the woman who lived here before us :)
Lemon Balm is sitting next to my Organic Cinnamon Sugar
I was anxious to taste it so I went ahead and brewed a fresh cup of tea!

Boiled some water in my kettle
Poured hot water in cup
Added just 3 leaves
Let it steep for 3-5 minutes
(depending on the strength you want)
Remove leaves..
Enjoy a perfect cup of tea!

We have 4 nieces/nephews and Joe's sister is going to have another baby. Plus, I just found out that my brother and his wife are expecting their first little one! 
This has put me in baby mode and so I just had to make a Nursery Mood Board!

If you are expecting or just wanting to re-do your nursery I hope this gets you inspired!


Our cabinets have zero doors and open space :)

I did the exact same thing that I did with the other kitchen cabinet 

Here's a little rundown...

Took cabinet doors off. That hinge will not budge so please ignore it for now ;)

All this had to be peeled off..

Painted all the shelves white! 
This cabinet had lots of hole underneath the sticky paper...don't know why?
I sanded everything down for a smooth painting
I like to make painting a little fun ;)

after the first coat it already looks waay better!
The white makes the kitchen look and feel so clean!
I am planning (eventually) to get awesome clear glass canisters
to hold our few items that are stored in our cabinet.
They will hold: Cereal, Oats, Graham Crackers, Chips, etc.

on the left counter: no-bake cookies ;) perfect saturday treat!
The room feels so much bigger by taking off the doors! LOVE it!

I'm thinking of some like this...

And when I was looking for the glass canisters I came across these..

I think this would be so cute for all your spices. You could use small 
labels to write the name of the spice on the outside. 
Then you can have your spices on display and for easy use!

I have this small shelf that would be perfect for 12-16 spices in cute jars...Hmm..

What have you done to make your kitchen feel/look bigger?
Do you have your spices cutely arranged? :)

Now for the Before & Progress Look!


of paint that is.. :(
Only needing 1 more coat, I sit here trying to get the energy to go to Ace and grab a little can of white semi-gloss. I'm really not experienced on the 4 hours of sleep/Getting up at 6:40am sort of thing..which happened last night..oh well. I will eventually go get that paint and take Rolie with me! (He loves getting out and about and everyone loving on him) 

I'm working on the other cabinet in the kitchen!

Man oh man..I can't wait to finish and look at all the before and after shots! :)

Look for another post later today with pictures of how it's looking!

I just wanted to tell all of you how much I love the video calling on Facebook! 

the end.


p.s. I hope all of you are having a fantastic Monday night!
Joe and I are very planet conscious. We believe in recycling, reusing and thrifting for things instead of buying new. We have a compost pile for all of our kitchen scraps and food that doesn't get eaten. We have a garden that we water with our dehumidifier. We have all CFL bulbs. We eat organic & natural foods and we really try to cut our electricity use as much as possible. We wash full loads of laundry at a time and use cold water. 

Now that you know a little more about our daily life I wanted to share some awesome cleaning products that I use and LOVE...

I have been a faithful user of Legacy of Clean for 4 years!
Their concentrated pre-wash spray gets anything and everything out of your clothes! 

Safe for HE Washers, Effective on all fabrics & all water temperatures. No phosphates, chlorine, or other unpleasant ingredients that could harm the environment.
Another favorite of mine is the Glass Cleaner..
No streaks. No Ammonia. Biodegradable. Planet Friendly.
I'd have to say the one thing I can't live clean without is 
the All-Purpose Spray...
Soil, Grease and Grime are gone with no harmful chemicals left behind! Even the spray bottle is recyclable! (Or you can buy the concentrated refills for cheap and use the same bottle!)
So there you go! A little more of what we love and what we use every day! I know it can be hard to find cleaning and laundry products that are safe for you and your family. I hope you enjoyed learning about these products and you can check out even more of them here!

Show us what you are loving on Facebook or tell us by leaving a comment!

I have this huge blank wall that just screams at me for something to be hung on it. 


I really would love to put a white shelf or two
above the dishwasher...eventually! :)

For now (cause I like Free Projects) I grabbed two 8x10 frames that were not in use and painted them white (of course!) and snipped 2 pages from my Better Homes and Garden magazines. I used those magazine article clippings for my "Art"!
They turned out like this:

L-O-V-E them! :)
Plus, it gives me inspiration while making dinner!

Because I have cheap frames..they tend to have a crack look here and there.
See the little black line on the bottom?
I tackled it with just some hole filler! Works like a charm!
I had to do several parts of the frame to make it look "flush" with the side

It's a start..
Can't wait to make that chalkboard! :)
Have you ever made art for your frames out of magazine articles? Or have you cut out multiple small pictures and made a collage inside a frame? Post pictures of what you are doing or what you have done at :) See you there!

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